Receiving Data from a SAIA M-Bus Energy Meter


I was looking into reading the values from the energy meter attached to my viessmann fuel cell heating unit in order to check for the currently produced energy since sometimes using the vicare software is not reliable.
So I have this SAIA M-Bus energy meter ([filter][0]=) and an M-Bus (Meter Bus) slave sensor attached to it to get the RX/TX data delivered to a Wemos D1 mini.
Unfortunately I could not get any information which shows me as a beginner how to read all data from it inside ESPHome.
Is there any hint or maybe even somebody who managed add this device into HA using ESPHome and read all data from it, so not only the consumed power but also the produced power? Than would be awesome!
Thanks a lot! :smile:

Hi Kurisutian,
I’m in a similar situation, trying to read a SAIA energy meter.
Do you found a resolution? Can you share it ?

Hi @Ovidiu1973 ,
sorry, I have no update here. I finally gave up on this, as I did install a solar system on my roof and added an SMA Energy Meter to it as well which will now give me the very same data I need. :wink:
I never got to a point where I would have been able to read the data from the SAIA energy meter as the coding is nowhere documented as it seems.
I could have reached out to the manufacturer but at that point I already knew I will have the solar system in place so I did not follow up on this any further. Sorry.

I have used this. And is working