Recent change - Sonos not reporting TTS state

Until recently, I have been using Sonos with Nabu Casa cloud_say to make announcements, followed by music. The automations send the TTS to the relevant speaker, then wait for the state to change to ‘paused’, to indicate that the announcement has finished.

Within the last few days, potentially due to one of the 2023.5.x updates, the Sonos speaker state doesn’t change to ‘playing’ when the TTS is playing, so it can’t change back to ‘paused’, when it’s finished, resulting in the automation not progressing any further.

The player state changes as expected when starting and stopping music. I’ve restarted HA and it’s not made any difference.

Has anyone else seen this?


Thanks for linking to the other post. That explains the situation. I’ll re-work my automations to either use announce, or avoid it, as required.
