I just updated to the latest version of home assistant and the woke on lan of my lg has stopped working. Indicates service not available. I have restored to a previous version and it works again. Does anyone else have this problem?
Wake on Lan has been moved to the integrations gui, might be worth checking there
Hi, oh ok I did not know that I will look at that. Thanks
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From the docs page:
There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:
I experienced the same issue yesterday, BUT. . . I had commented out my YAML configuration after it was migrated to the UI setup. That was my issue. Don’t comment out or remove your YAML config if you want to continue to use the SWITCH. Apparently, this is one of those integrations that has a dual mode for config.
Once I re-enabled YAML config and restarted, all was good.
Updated trigger in automation to allow for either button or switch.
# LGTV Manual On
- id: lgtv_manual_on
alias: LGTV Manual On
initial_state: TRUE
mode: restart
- platform: state
entity_id: input_button.lg_tv_wol
- platform: state
entity_id: switch.lg_tv_wol
to: "on"
condition: . . . .