I don’t think I have a pat answer for your upgrade, however will share an upgrade I did 2 years ago and what I am seeing in the lighting market now. Maybe this will give you some ideas for a path.
The LED light retrofit market is right at the beginning a tsunami, that is cool but frustrating. On a daily basis there are new light devices/forms appearing.
On the network dimension, from my view point in the 120 volt USA market, only Hue and Ikea seems to be bringing out new devices with Zigbee radios. And most of these devices, if they come to 120 volts, come with a 6 to 24 month delay from release in ROW. Matter/Thread will probably improve this, but I think 12 to 24 months away. This for the radio issue, but USA market will still be electric power challenged even then. Make sure to carefully read the specs to make sure the device is 120 volt, many are not.
I know you seems to prefer zigbee, I get it, but the interesting products that are hitting the market now are wifi and bluetooth based. With bluetooth mesh really rocketing forward right now. I am guessing wifi popular due to the super low cost Tuya MCU’s. And bluetooth mesh, due to the new low cost BLE chips at now support mesh and will slot into a Matter mod’ed firmware relative easily and quickly. These new BLE mesh devices seems, so far, much less ‘hacky’ to create a totally local control setup, where your lights never need to go the cloud. This area as well requires you to really check (and test) before you commit.
Side topic, metal cans from my experience can be a challenge. Wifi really seems to drop, makes sense as they have to home run back to a access point, BLE mesh seems to work much better (and zigbee would as well I think) if your cans are ‘relatively’ close in spacing to neighbors.
On the physical light front, especially in the ‘in ceiling’ can type devices and the ‘mount on ceiling’ flat panel (and hanging too) these are were the new Tuya wifi and BLE mesh devices are really starting to appear. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you are willing to spend/waste some coin on trial devices and beer/wine
, your porch will be filled with daily deliveries from Amazon/Bangood/AliExpress …
I will finish my babble with my experience story and one bit of advice.
On the advice front, whatever devices you end up with, buy enough ‘extras’ to keep your system running and consistent for whatever lifetime you think you want and add a year. Because, whatever device you buy, will ‘be gone’ and unavailable (fill in blank) in ____ years when one or more of the devices fails. While LED’s are robust, heat and electronics (and cheap parts) are a reality in these ‘one off’ devices that have no replaceable parts often.
My, maybe close to your challenge, experience was a kitchen ceiling with four dual tube CFL ‘shop’ lights behind custom panels in the ceiling. Installed 30+ years ago. I found some LED panels that fit in the holes left behind by the CFL just fine with a small custom ‘fingers’ attached to the back of the panels. These LED panels have proprietary 2.4 GHz remotes and support color temp (good but not great), dimming and most important : one remote controlling 4 panels. I was able to Rube Goldberg a custom ESP32 that Home Assistant uses to ‘press’ the buttons on of the 4 remotes I ended up with in a total custom electronics circuit ‘hack’. I don’t recommend this path. But the bad news / good news is that you can not longer find these panels to buy, but I have two extras squirreled in the garage. And now there appear to be really good quality non-proprietary ‘smart’ LED CFL tubes with good CRI if any of the neighbors who have exactly the same 60’s kitchens want advice… And finally to your ‘don’t touch the plaster’ requirement, I was really sweating screwing up the ceiling and have having to patch the ceiling plaster board and repaint the whole kitchen as I ‘dropped’ these 30 pound steel CFL enclosures. Fortunately, I was successful, and with the help of a carpenter create some relative low cost frames that matched and covered the rough in holes to a tee. I do recommend wearing a mask, as I probably sucked in enough asbestos to coat a battleship. If you are a younger man than I, you might want to make a deposit at your local ‘seed bank’ before you start
Hope you find a good solution in this wild lighting west, 24 months later, I am pretty happy with what I ended up with. But took a lot of sweat equity and has lead me to watch this dynamic market with much interest. Good hunting!
P.S. I know this is not even close to what you want, but here is an example of the stuff appearing daily, note how only one of the the three form factors seems to support voltages down to 85 volts, others do not…: