Hi, I am looking for some recommendations for some new internal CCTV cameras. I had a couple of Neos cameras but they are shutting down this year and I bought these long before I started using home assistant so they were cloud connected, which now means they’ll be paper waits when they shutdown.
I’m looking for a couple of small cheap cameras that I can use to replace these Neos camera, ideally I would want the following features:
No cloud requirement
Be able to connect, view and manage through home assitstant
Local storage, on camera is probably OK, but if there is way to record somewhere it can be accesssed via home assistant would be good. I rent so can’t install ethernet cables so have to rely on wifi connectivity, so remote storage probably wouldn’t be ideal.
Auto arming/disarming, so they’re not recording 24/7, only trigger recording while they see motion or hear sound.
Be fairly small and lightweight, I can’t permanently fix to the wall, so was stuck up using 3M picture mounting pads.
Can anyone recommend anything that fits these requirements, if this is even possible I’m not too sure.
Very little lag with the Generic Camera integration and the following settings: Still image URL: http://thingino_ip/onvif/image.cgi - Stream Source URL: rtsp://thingino_ip/ch0 - protocol: TCP, - Authentication: basic - username+password: thingino
Still tinkering with the ONVIF integration to get working PTZ controls.
Edit: use the ONVIF integration and a picture glance card with below configuration.
This Thingino firmware is interesting, anyone know if is possibile to use the motion detection, sound detection, set sensitivity, set led / IR on/off, etc.?
Is there already an integration?