I’m looking for some options/advice on a remote setup for security on a boat.
Will be connected via 4G and a CF tunnel. Was thinking of a remote HA instance running a raspberry pi zero W connected to my main HA.
What are your thoughts / recommendations.
Just a motion sensor, ability to activate some lights, siren etc.
Also maybe a ESP32CAM.
December 25, 2023, 9:28am
You probably can wire that all together (maybe not with the esp32cam though) with just one esp32. That can then remotely connected (e.g. esphome wireguard) to your local/stationary HA server at home.
Oh wow this is juicy.
Is this like a CF tunnel client that runs directly on a ESP?
December 25, 2023, 10:47am
It’s more like a VPN running directly on the client. A “CF tunnel” on the other hand looks like a site-2-site VPN for me connecting networks.