I’m trying to replace a few double wall sockets around the house with new ones that include USB sockets. I figure since I’m going to do this, I might has well make them Zigbee plugs, so (at a minimum) I’ll get some more repeaters/routers. The closest I’ve found is these Aurora AOnes, but they don’t have USB.
Can anyone recommend a product or approach? Maybe I should put in normal double-plug+USB sockets from Home Base or somesuch, with some Zigbee device behind it?
I haven’t been able to find any Zigbee sockets with USB. I use these, which work well with ZHA, and I’ve kept one “dumb” socket in each room with USB ports.
Alternatively I’ve got a couple of these power strips, which also work well with ZHA. They have four USB sockets, which can be switched on and off as a group (not individually, unfortunately).
I’m disappointed and really surprised that this doesn’t exist, to be honest. You have to go out of your way to buy a dumb wall socket without USB charging ports these days.
I’ll probably just buy one of these things – the Click Smart+ or the Aurora one (leaning toward whichever one offers usage monitoring too) – but hold off on this project for another six months to a year.
Just updating this thread to say I did what was suggested – I bought two of those Click Smart+ 2 Gang outlets and a dumb outlets with USB. The Click Smarts do indeed work really well with ZHA. Thanks for the info!