Looking for a not super expensive weather station that will be good enough to measure small speeds (1-45km/h) and if stronger I don’t care much (as long as it does not break )
I’d love a rain meter too but more importantly one that integrates with HA (and maybe upload to weatherunderground)
I’m just starting out and I have HA installed on the Rpi4 and some google minis and a sonoff basic2 stock haha
I should also add that it seems some weather stations record wind every 5mins… I feel that’s a bit lacking and that records every 20secs would be much better…
Guidance would be very appreciated
Someone posted about this device last weekend, and they were working to interface with it. Seems it’s 433 MHz based. Also has no wind speed sensor. Darn it.
I would suggest looking into ESPHome (https://esphome.io/), and building your own weather station. Learning curve is a bit steep in the beginning, but totally worth it in my opinion.
You can buy sensors pretty cheap, and easily integrate them into HA, and have full control of update intervals, units etc.
I have a “generic” wind sensor (https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/DIY-Home-Improvement-Tools/Eltako-Windsensor-WS-Wind-Sensor/B0018LBFG8) connected to an ESP32 board. No soldering required, just connect a few jumper wires and youre set. This sensor will update every second (!), and then I have made my own configuration that takes the average speed during a 30 second period, and sends that value to home assistant. Also, it will take the peak value during those 30 seconds, and set it as gust speed.
If you want to have direction as well, you could maybe take a look at this https://esphome.io/components/sensor/tx20.html. It even has native integration with ESPHome, so probably very easy to set up.
I don’t know about rain (using old netatmo myself that I had bought long before I knew anything about ESPHome), but for temperature and humidity you could use a DHT22 sensor with the same ESP32 board as you would connect a wind sensor to (https://esphome.io/components/sensor/dht.html)
Let me know if you want some code and examples for a wind sensor with ESPHome.
Sounds a little daunting but I’ll look into it since I can’t find a decent weather station that I like so far and that can integrate easily
Not a fan of DHT sensors… although maybe it vastly improved since the DHT11… The DHT 11 was wildly inaccurate and temperamental. Plus it didn’t last very long