Hi, I’m hoping to install HA on an rpi, along with AlexaPi and Lirc, what size SD card would be considered most appropriate please?
I went with a 64GB and run HA plus a few other APIs, HADashboard, AppDaemon, MySQL and bunch of libs like NodeJS.
I don’t seem to be running out of space so I think you’d be fine with 64. More importantly, make sure it is a Class 10 UHS-1 card. A few more bucks but much better performance.
I got this one when I bought my Pi:
Thanks rpitera.
Also going with larger helps the wear leveling and should get you longer life,
Didn’t know that - thanks for the info!
Does the RPI support running off usb? I wonder if something like a USB SSD would work with an RPI. If so, that’s probably your best bet.
Here is something about it. https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bootmodes/msd.md
You could also use a cheap SD card for /boot and run the system from USB.
When I used to run an RPI the damn thing would corrupt every few months. I finally set it up to boot from NFS.
Or buy an industrial rated SD card that uses SLC – digikey sells them… zero issues.
Hmm… I’d go for SLC. Not high temp MLC.
Correct, for something embedded like HASS that you want to setup and not worry about the SD card for 5+ years SLC is the way to go. But you pay a premium for that.