So I’ve wasted some money on Sonoff S26 plugs thinking I could flash them without soldering
Which plugs just work and don’t break the bank. Planning to run HA and iOS…
So I’ve wasted some money on Sonoff S26 plugs thinking I could flash them without soldering
Which plugs just work and don’t break the bank. Planning to run HA and iOS…
probably not what you’d want to hear, but since you already have the Sonoffs, which are great btw, why not “invest” some time to learn to solder and flash them with Tasmota? I have tens of Sonoff devices around my house and I love them!
Have you even tried flashing them?
Why don’t you buy a cheap soldering Iron?
Also you can program them by touching the wires on the pads if you have a steady hand.
You can use the EWeLink software with IFTTT as well if you want to use them seeing as you’ve already got them. These switches are a bugger to solder as they have pads and aren’t as simple to solder/flash as other ones.
When I originally got my S22’s before I flashed with Tasmota they were working fine with IFTTT and the ewelink.
You can also use some sticky tape to affix the wires to the pads instead of soldering if you’re that afraid of it, flashing might not work 100% but it is doable
Altho I’ve learned basic soldering just by watching a few vids on youtube and realised its way easier than I previously thought when you understand how it works
Ive flashed 3 sonoff without soldering use breadboard pins to male to female. Just hold them in place.
Much quicker and cheaper then soldering headers
You need to google this switch… those kind of cables won’t work. They are flat pads with the location to hold the pins being split into 2 different places. Good luck just holding the pins on those.
Quite right I have the Sonoff S20_UK smart sockets. I thought they were all the same with different plugs
@ alexmel sorry you will have to learn to solder or have very steady hands
If you wait around, you sometimes get good deals on amazon for the TP link plugs. But still not as good value as the sonoff’s. Best I’ve seen in the UK is about £17.99 for the HS100. Maybe have to hang on till black Friday.
Re the soldering, I have soldered 1 of my sonoff basics (never soldered before) and its not too scary. Someone suggested to me to have some practice on some old pcb’s before giving it a go - which was good advice. plenty of you tube videos too.
Another option might be the Ikea tradfri. They have just bought out a new socket although stock is limited (in the UK at least) and you would need to buy a hub of some sort
I use these here: Amazon
They are also flashable with Tasmota but you can of course use them with the regular firmware and integrate them into HA anyway. I really like that they arent as bulky and I can fit more than one next to each other
They work great for soldering. Cut the end off and tin them a bit. Super easy to solder to pads and you won’t tear the pad off.