Record IP camera to local disk

I have some camera’s in my house that I want to use in a better way. Right now the camera’s takes pictures on certain triggers. The aim is now to record and save the video file to a local place. For example when my home alarm is trigged a want my camera’s to record…

Please guide me to the best solution.

Possibly using an external recorder like Zoneminder?

You haven’t really provided enough information to tell you anything useful.

What Home Assistant installation method did you use?
On what hardware?
Do you want it to record on the same hardware as Home Assistant is running on?

If you are using Hassio on reasonable hardware and want to use that hardware, then there’s an addon that might suit your needs:

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I use to record streams off three IP cameras on an odroid-xu4. It can serve streams back out via http so I have homeassistant consuming cameras from motion instead of directly from the cameras. It has a crude API as well if you want to trigger recording from elsewhere.

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Sorry for that. I run on a raspberry pi 3 and I want to store video local on the pi or a hard drive.

I tried motion eye and it looks great with features that I want, but I have some struggle to activate motion detection with curl command.

Do you now how to activate the motion detection outside the UI of motion eye?

Hi @krk628,

Is it possible for you to share steps of connecting home assistant with motion to save IP cam feeds in to local hard drive.

Thank You

Hi @sahasraya; each camera in motion has a “stream_port” property. so let’s assume you are streaming a camera over port 30001. So just create a camera entity in configuration.yaml like so…

  - platform: generic
    still_image_url: http://localhost:30001/1/current
    stream_source:   http://localhost:30001/1/stream
    framerate: 1
    name: backyard

you can place that camera entity in lovelace wherever you want with a picture-entity card

    "camera_image": "camera.backyard",
    "entity": "camera.backyard",
    "show_name": true,
    "show_state": false,
    "type": "picture-entity"