Recorder error on HA 0.54

Hey guys,
I am trying to set up the recorder to purge my data every so many days.
Unfortunately, and although i have read the documentation, i cant seem to make it work,
here is my configuration.yaml

  purge_interval: 1
  purge_keep_days: 7
      - automation
      - switch
      - weblink
      - updater
      - sun.sun   

I am getting this error in the home-assistant.log:
Invalid config for [recorder]: [purge_interval] is an invalid option for [recorder].

I am on Hassio, 0.54.0

Hi @krash, you need 0.55.0 for this to work.

Thanks @VDRainer, i updated to 0.55 and it worked like a charm :slight_smile:
(there is no mention of that in the documentation btw)

thanks much @VDRainer. I was having the same problem with v0.54. BTW: I found that for purge_interval, i also had to include purge_keep _days. That point is in the documentation, but I missed it first time through.

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Good catch, although it didnt work for me back then :slight_smile: