Recorder stops working

Hi All,

Since the 2024.7.xx updates the recorder service in my install has been acting up.

It stops recording events / history after a few minutes / hours and only a complete restart of HA gets it going again.

It does not seem to be related to the 4am purge activity (which is a known issue) - it stops at any time.

My DB is sitting at ± 3.7GB (In the same location as the HA install) (I do have a very large implementation with over 2000 entities) - and have scaled back a lot of “chatty” entities - and added non-essential entities to the exclude list in the config.

This problem has only manifested itself after upgrading to the 2024.7.1 update … went to 2024.7.2 - and did not correct this issue.

My log does not really reveal any errors directly related to the recorder as such - so that has not been much help.

I’ve done the manual purge / start restart of the recorder service - which does not get it going again.
Only a complete restart of HA starts it again … and then it is short lived to sometimes minutes or in some cases a few hours.

Anyone else experiencing the same?

There are two issues. See: PSA: 2024.7 recorder problems

Thanks - don’t use any of the mentioned HACS integrations - but will look at some of the few I I have.

The ones I do have are these

Is there anything I can check in the logs to find the offending plugin?