Hi. Brand new to HA.
Think I may have committed a cardinal sin
I wanted to set the instance ip address to and set it as static. Which i did ( I can see it in the router) but now cant log on to application via iphone or ipad. I just see a black screen with a red box indicating Domain error -1001
Can still “see” the settings box indicating my internal url but cannot log on via app or directly via browser ip:8123
any ideas as to how to gain access and reconnect the ports with a nuclear reset ?
Thanks for the reply.
Im not sure how i got back to the companion app, buti was able to restore the original address 192…157 and restarted ha. Remarkably it came up with my chosen address for the static link - but otherwise worked ok.
I thought I understood ip but it looks like I still have a lot to learn (about HA?)