Ok, so i’ve just retrieved my OTA password from the .bin file.
First of all I want to say that I know anything about the stuff I use, I’m just a stubborn with access to Google (Neither am I a native English speaker, so sorry for any typo or grammatical error)
So first of all it’s downloading Cutter (I downloaded for Linux, so I haven’t tried Mac or Windows’s alternatives, but i guess they’d work the same way)
Then you open your .bin file, you’ll see something like this:
Then you go to “Strings” which is the second option in the bottom menu
In there you’ll look for wifi in the Quick filter
Then you’re going to right click on the second-to-last option and select Show in>Hexdump:
You’ll see something like this:
I’ve highlighted the OTA password and also just before that there’s the fallback wifi network password (it wasn’t useful in my case as I didn’t have captive portal setted up )
Thank you and I hope this is useful for whomever tries to solve this in the future