Hi, past couple of days we are getting quite the bombardment of missiles from our neighbors to the south… Our Home Front Command has an API that returns a JSON that includes all the “Red Alert” alarms going off around the country. Some has actually wrote a python script that checks for alarms in your area. As hopefully this situation is very temporary and not wanting to take the time to write a full component - is there a simple way with Node Red possibly or Pyscript to run this script and then based on its output update a sensor or just output directly to Alexa or something like that?
Hi there,
I found this across the internet. It’s a sensor that pulls it’s information from the Home Front Command.
Didn’t try it myself but it seems to be working
yup that works like a charm!
I know this is an old post, but bumping it with what I did.
There is a new integration for Oref GitHub - amitfin/oref_alert: Israeli Oref Alerts
I set that up and then created the following automation to announce alerts on Alexa, using Alexa Media Player addon (GitHub - alandtse/alexa_media_player: This is a custom component to allow control of Amazon Alexa devices in Home Assistant using the unofficial Alexa API.)
In configuration.yaml, defined a “notify” group:
- name: echo_show_group
platform: alexa_media
- "media_player.echo.xxxxxxxx"
- "media_player.echo.xxxxxxxx"
Then added an automation to trigger when Oref sensor changes to “Unsafe”
This is the YAML of my automation:
alias: Tzeva Adom
description: Alerts to Alexa when Missile Alert
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.oref_alert
from: "off"
to: "on"
condition: []
- service: notify.echo_show_group
message: >-
RED ALERT. Get to the shelter. RED ALERT. Get to the shelter. RED ALERT.
Get to the shelter.
- media_player.xxxxxxxx
- media_player.xxxxxxxx
mode: single