Reddit to Pushover for mobile post notifications help? [SOLVED]

Hello, I’m setting up a Node-RED flow for my HASSIO to notify me of new Reddit posts through my mobile devices due to the current IFTTT situation. I have it all setup and have got (node-red-contrib-node-reddit) & (node-red-contrib-pushover) connected and working almost flawlessly, the only flaw is that the format that Pushover shows is very very raw and was wondering if anyone knew a better way to format the two together by any chance?

Reddit - Pushover

So, it works… It just looks like this on my mobile devices.

Ideally I think it would be nice to have the Pushover notification of the Reddit post look like: [Title] [Subject] instead of this large wall. Any help is appreciated!


jcostello93 of node-red-contrib-node-reddit has helped me, what you need to do is add a function node between them and insert

msg.payload = msg.payload.title;

return msg;

Note: You can also create a Change function and it does the same thing, however I think with a straight function we’ll have more we can do with a single node.

For anyone reading this I recommend setting these up for maximum savings


Alright, I have gotten this even better than I ever thought it could be thanks to jcostello93 from the node-red-contrib-node-reddit project and TheWAPMop from the discord.

[{"id":"c25a0d1.83aa5f","type":"tab","label":"Reddit Nodes","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"d50336cd.9b6608","type":"stream","z":"c25a0d1.83aa5f","name":"","reddit":"","kind":"submissions","subreddit":"GameDeals","filter":"inbox","markedAsRead":false,"timeout":"","pollTime":"","x":130,"y":160,"wires":[["4db71c66.73c5d4"]]},{"id":"4db71c66.73c5d4","type":"function","z":"c25a0d1.83aa5f","name":"","func":"msg.payload = msg.payload.title + \"\" + msg.payload.permalink;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":320,"y":160,"wires":[["c343b449.7d9d78"]]},{"id":"c343b449.7d9d78","type":"pushover","z":"c25a0d1.83aa5f","name":"","device":"","title":"New Post: r/GameDeals","priority":0,"sound":"cashregister","url":"","url_title":"","html":false,"x":550,"y":160,"wires":[]}]

is the flow.

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I tried this but it seems it doesn’t work for me. I get nothing from r/GameDeals

Are you using username/password for the reddit credentials?

Yes, sorry I will be doing a much better write-up and how-to soon and posting it on here. You need to link your Reddit account but by using an application in reddit. im on mobile right now but I believe that’s the link, if not Google create reddit application. Then you will use the token and app information inside of the flow of Node-RED

NOTE: Also for anyone doing this i installed Gotify as my notification delivery instead of Pushover and its much better. There is an unraid docker for it as well so it’s mega easy for people. I will also update the how-to with that as well.

Thanks. I created an app and used the reds in my node-red flow. but still getting 0 Submissions for some reason.

Thanks for the help.

Actually it started working. Thanks fo the info.

Thank you for this and particularly the flow, made getting this to work a piece of cake.

Not a problem, glad it can help! I’m still meaning to write a fully fleshed out “how-to” for people to make it easier! I’m also going to expand the nodes to an even broader means one day… Who knows what this could do for people! Sales are sales and we must have them all!

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I’m needing some help with this. I want to use home assistant notify. i tried { "message": "{{payload}}", "target": [ "------" ] }

And I get something weird like this on discord or really anything else I use.

I am using the flow posted with the function node with this in it.

msg.payload = msg.payload.title + "" + msg.payload.permalink;

return msg;