Redundant question about SONOFF Zigbee dongle

Hi I’ve been reading old threads to try to figure out an issue I’ve encountered with my SONOFF Zigbee dongle. My ZHA has been an issue for a few months now but I hadn’t set any devices up with it yet so I wasn’t to concerned about it. Today I investigated it further because I want to run my Hue bulbs and switches locally now. I believe I have to flash my dongle with new firmware. I don’t know if I need Zigbee2MQTT or what the benefits are. The blueprint I’m trying to configure uses ZHA so I’m inclined to not overcomplicate things unless you all think I’m making a mistake and should do the hardwork now. In looking for a solution to my problem, I’ve found a bunch of different solutions from taking the device apart to a python script, but I just want to make sure I’m not following an outdated guide because I know how quickly these things change and this video is nearly 4 years old. The guides also make it seem like I’ll have to reflash the device every few months? If that is the case is their a way to avoid that, because I’d rather it just work as is or be able to update it from any home assistant instance it’s on, given my instance is on a desktop without a monitor. If you all have any input on the ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT or just a link to a guide to follow, I would be very grateful.

Normally not

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