Referencing a Custom Card Stateobj Entity ID From It's Editor

I’ve been working on adding a configuration UI to my custom features project and haven’t been able to figure out how to reference the tile (or climate) card’s stateObj. The custom features are able to reference it as described in the developer docs example, but I’d like the fact that the tile/climate/etc card’s entity ID is being used in the configuration UI. The stateObj doesn’t seem to be present in the editor class, and I’m not able to successfully update the feature config using a configChanged event. Does anyone have any idea how to get stateObj.entity_id to copy to the configuration YAML for the custom feature editor to use?

I figured it out! Just took a little digging through the front end source code.

Feature editors get passed a property called context, which looks like this:

{ entity_id: 'light.chandelier' }