Reflash my DoHome wall plug to Homekit-firmware?

I’ve got few DoHome Wifi wallplugs that support both DoHome & HomeKit (also Homeassistant through DoHome integration). However, I feel that the DoHome firmware is really bad and unreliable, even the Homekit integration fails and doesn’t work all the time. So I want to reflash the wall plug to a new firmware that supports homekit without homeassistant. Basically I want to be able to use the wallplug with homekit without anything else.

How can I make this possible? Can I use homebridge-esphome-ts? GitHub - lucavb/homebridge-esphome-ts: This plugin integrates your esphome devices into HomeKit!
or HomeSpan? GitHub - HomeSpan/HomeSpan: HomeKit Library for the Arduino-ESP32
Or does these require a homeassistant to work fully?

You can use this firmware to reflash it to homekit firmware

If it’s using esp32, you can install tasmota and pair to homekit with matter

Sweet, thank you.
And if I also would like to use it with Homeassistant later on, can I do that with this firmware without changing anything?