Refresh group of entities via ZWAVE


at the end of the day I open 20 blinds using Fibaro Roller Shutter 3. Those regurlarly fail to corectly report back to blind position once they are done (Fibaro specific implementation not fully working with HA), so I integrated a refresh entity action on the group in the automation:

- alias: 'Beschattung abends öffnen'
    platform: time
    at: "20:30:00"
    - service: cover.set_cover_position
        entity_id: group.cover_abend_1
        position: 100
    - delay: 00:02:00
    - service: zwave.refresh_entity
        entity_id: group.cover_abend_1

On the OZW.log I don’t see refresh commands for all nodes on the group.

Question: Should this work or is issuing commands to 5-10 zwave entities with one command simply is not a good idea?

I used an automation to trigger when the electric power of the device drops. I have created a blueprint on this. Maybe give it a try.