Register as existing mobile device after reinstalling app

I have noticed that when I reinstall the app on my Android device (I wiped my phone) it registers itself as a new device with a _2 appended to everything.
I have a number of automations based on my device and I had to go and update all of them with the new entity name.
It would be useful to have a tool to manage mobile devices or to link yourself to an existing mobile device when setting up the mobile app.

You already have the tools.

  • Delete the original mobile integration.
  • Restart HA.
  • Remove the _2 from the new entities.

In future do the first two before adding your new phone.

this seems like a clunky way to do things that could work better as a purpose built tool, seems like something that would happen to quite a few people. especially if you use all the sensors / many of the sensors.

Removing a device before you replace it is clunky?

i misread, i thought I would still need to rename all the 96 (that I use) entities even if I removed it first.

if I remove it will it use the same name then?

If your phone has the same name, yes.

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Mobile app registrations will use an existing registration only if the original registration was created after some code changes that were introduced a few years ago. If the registration precedes those changes then yes you need to remove and add again. Once the new registration is created then it well continue to reuse the same registration.