Reinstall yellow

I think I’ve made a mess of a brand new Yellow. I have the ‘Not loaded in Lovelace’ message in HACS and cannot remove it. I removed HACS, reinstalled but the issue remains.

I created a Yellow installation on a flash drive using RPi Imager, removed power from the Yellow, placed the flash drive in the Yellow, then the network cable and finally the power. I thought this was going to re-install the OS, but it did nothing.

How to re-install?

Try this video

I tried multiple times. I just reboots. Do you think it might be due to an NVMe installed. I put it in after the purchase.

HA docs say to hold both blue and red simultaneoulsy. I tried but the red and green LEDs stayed illuminated and no other progress.

The blue button protrudes a couple of millimeters from the plastic case, while the red one is sunken from the plastic case - it does not protrude.