Reinstate Tesla integration

The Tessie Integration currently uses the existing Tessie API, but in the future I may use Tessie Fleet API proxy, since that would make it nearly identical to Teslemetry which I also maintain.


Direct to Home Assistant isn’t entirely possible due to the Command Signing requirements. You can run the command proxy in a docker container, but you can also pay someone else to manage all that for you, like Tessie and Teslemetry.

Fleet Teslemetry is sort of part of Fleet API, sort of seperate. Tessie uses it for battery data, but my service Teslemetry can be configured however you want and sends the data to Home Assistant too.

@Brett_Adams I love your app and integration with HA for my car. Any plans to support Tesla Solar/Energy features in Tessie? Tesla added support in their new API for Solar and Powerwall.

Can we stay here with the topic at hand, a reinstatement of the Tesla integration into core, please? :slight_smile: If questions about other integrations come up, why not ask them in the corresponding thread? :slight_smile:

I mean, with another integaration spoken about, we divert votes away from this FR, don’t we?

Thanks guys, much appreciated! :+1:

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Agreed, my apologies. Happy to move my post to another thread related to the Tessie integration, not sure if this is possible by me or moderators.

I’m bringing Tesla back to core.


That looks great! :+1: :slight_smile: Thank you very much for taking on that task! :slight_smile:

Let’s hope it gets accepted soon! :slight_smile:

Coming soon, to a Home Assistant 2024.8 near you.


Amazing and thank you!

Is it complex to authenticate with your integration? I found the Tessie one a pita.

Its as easy as it possibly can be.

You add the config entry, it redirects you to Tesla, you login and pick scopes, it redirects you to which redirects you to Home Assistant and your done.

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Thanks, sounds good.

Will this integration expose controls also, or is it sensors only? The image says “various sensors”…

Looks like sensors only. core/homeassistant/components/tesla_fleet at tesla_fleet · Bre77/core · GitHub

Which is a pity.

Initially yes, read only platforms.

Home Assistant has rules about adding 1 platform per PR so it wasnt feasible to add all platforms in this release. I do hope to add other controls in the coming releases, however these very likely will not support command signing, as this is going to be dependant on the Tesla BLE integration I am also working on to install the encryption keys.


I’ve been going down the rabit hole of setting up Tesla Http Proxy these last few days and just saw this addon mentioned in the release notes. Is there an eta on exposing controls just so I can stop going through that PITA :slight_smile:


I plan to add all controls by 2024.9 however it will not support command signing, as I plan to do that without using the command proxy which is going to take longer to engineer.


Will odometer be added ? I would like to use that for some automations.

It’s there, you just have to enable it

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I was really excited to see this because I wanted to implement some automation with my Powerwall to turn off some loads when we lose power so I can extend my battery life. Unfortunately, it looks like the Grid Services Active and Grid Services Enabled sensors for the Powerwall show “Unknown” and “Off” even though I am currently grid connected and not experiencing an outage.

I know this is early days and there’s probably a lot to figure out. Is this a known issue or something that is expected to be working? I’m happy to open an issue or provide debug information. Being able to do this automation was one of my big drivers for getting into home assistant so I’d love for this to work.

Huge kudos for making this integration! I read about the problems trying to get this to work with newer Tesla equipment and I was really excited to see my Tesla products show up and watch the data come in from my solar panels.

Another follow-up question. As part of the Home Assistant on-boarding, I was asked for Grid consumption stats so Home Assistant could figure out my energy usage (I assume). I thought once I have this integration up, I would have a sensor I could feed into it, but it doesn’t look like it shows up. Is there something I’d have to do to make this compatible with the energy features in Home Assistant?