Relative Time not properly displayed in French


Yesterday, I observed the relative timestamp of a device (“xx minutes ago”) was not properly displayed in French, in my interface. Those sensor display a mix of French “Il y a” and English for the time units (“Hours”, “Days”, “Weeks” etc). The same problem appears when I click on an entity to get more details: the last update is displayed as a mix of French and English.
For instance:
Capture d’écran (27)
Capture d’écran (28)
Sans titre
I changed my interface language to Spanish, German, Italian… and it works with those languages. I was only surprised with this yesterday, so I am almost sure it was working fine a few days ago.
I am on Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Home Assistant 0.118.1 and HassOS 4.17. I tried a couple reboots, and there is nothing in the logs. It’s perhaps an issue with the recent OS and Home Assistant updates ?
Has anyone seen this issue before ?

Thank you !

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Magically fixed in 2020.12.0