Relay ladder logic diagram

Add the ability to display automations in relay ladder logic (RLL) diagram form. This would give another way to visualize the logic to help make it more concise as can be done with PLCs (programmable logic controllers). This wouldn’t necessarily require the ability to write the logic in RLL, but just to be able to view the logic in that format, even if it is only offline.

 [  ]-----+----[  ]---------[  ]---+---[  ]----+----
          |                        |           |
Trigger   | Condition      Action  |   Choose  |
          |                        |           |
          +----[\]                 |           |
                                   +---[  ]----+
               Stop                |           |
                                   |  Option 1 |
                                   |           |
                                   |           |
                                   +---[  ]----+

                                      Option 2

…or something. Ladder logic - Wikipedia

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