I have a briggs and stratton 30kW generator that I would like to integrate basic functionality so it can be turned on and off remotely. This generator does not have the control interface some of the smaller Briggs and Stratton standby generators have allowing them to be used with GENMON. Instead I will need to contect some relays and GPIO into the controller board to press three buttons (on, off, auto) and monitor the current state. I am generally only concerned with knowing the current state (on, off, auto), pressing the on/off/auto buttons, and knowing if the generator is running or off.
I cannot find any information about the control protocol that goes between the generator and the transfer switch, but I think it also contains status even inforamtion including the measured load and power factor.
The controller is this (Briggs & Stratton 315423GS Control Panel - Briggs & Stratton Online Store)
I am a computer engineer and this is well within my skills, but I do not know what the recomended approach would be? Is there a recomended way to go about this such as standard I/O boards that can be programmed in such a way to appear as a device in Home Assistant with the correct status indicators and controls?