RELAY (wall switch or for electrical box) with no neutral and 1.8KW or more relay power


i am looking for relay (1 gang is enough) for my bathroom heater.
I have WIFI, Zigbee and z-wave in my HA, so any of this protocols is suitable.

I am looking for Wall switch or switch for electrical box that supports at least 1.8KW of power through relay. Sadly i do not have Neutral in my electrical box, so i am looking for solution for no neutral. I can use bypass capacitor if needed.There ary all sorts of solution that need Neutral (shelly2, qubino …) but hard to find one that do no need Neutral.

Shelly 1L looks promising, but only have 1.3kW of power.

So you guys have any suggestion what can i use ?

I would like to have smart relay only to have timer based relay. We often forgot to turn off heater and electricity is being wasted. I would implement timer, to self turn-off after 15 minuetes of being turned on. I can do that in Node-red.

Thanks and br,

that doesn’t sound as a good idea to me. relays without neutral work like a dimmer internally, lowering the voltage just enough so that the lights are off (but with some lights flickering occurs still). i am sure how this would work with a heater that is not designed to be “dimmed”.

It may work with the Shelly, when using a contactor as the switched device. They are low power on the relay side. A one phase contactor capable to switch 1.8 kW you can get anywhere and costs almost nothing.