Reliability Concerns and the Efficiency of Home Assistant Backups

I have 10 GB so it should be ok

Don’t over think it.

  1. backup. Store this file somewhere accessible on your LAN. You will need to use it in step 4. Disconnect any dongles and keep them for step 6.
  2. shut down the Pi and keep it off. This is your rollback plan.
  3. install new HAOS inside your virtualization system. Make sure it basically works don’t do too much just make sure it runs. You’re about to overwrite it’s config.
  4. restore from step 1 backup. Wait until it completes.
  5. completely power off and restart the vm. Yes power off.
  6. boot VM and transfer any devices
  7. fix what’s broken (likely pass through of your usb to the HAOS v.)
  8. profit! (you’re done)

If you make it here backup your new system and pull the disk out of your Rpi. You don’t need it anymore

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This is very useful, many thanks.
I suppose I need also to change the IP into nabucasa account but I didn’t find the way, unless I remove the current account and create a new one.

Swap IP addresses between step 2 and 3.
Your new instance will login as if nothing happened. It Is your original installation - and why I said take the Rpi offline once the backup is done. Do NOT bring it back online after you restore the backup to the new installation or you will break all kinds of logins. Once the new install comes up and is verified working format the disk supporting your old instance. :sunglasses:

As i mentioned above you can create your own domain - Synology comes with your own ddns address (like etc…), so you can access HA with, say,, or

You can try with my guide HERE.

And, since you already have Pi, if you don’t have any other plans with it then i’d use it for testing purposes: so you can tinker on your test HA instead on live one. If anything goes wrong no damage will be done (also other users won’t be mad when you restart HA million times when testing…). Just change Pi’s IP and you’re done.

This was not possible as the only solutions were to oprn a new account or to resore a backup

Unfortunately, I got stuck at this step. I can’t load the backup that gets stuck at this stage:

I tried few times but without success.

Could I open a new account and after try again to restore the backup?

Yes, create a new (local HA) account and then restore. That should bring back whatever account you had in the old system. I keep my backups on a local NAS, so after re-installing a clean HA system, I can install the SAMBA add-on, copy the backup to the local HA drive and restore from there. I just had to do this last week and it went very smoothly.

It’s important to understand that the restore puts back all your customizations, but does not restore whatever version of the OS and HA core you have installed. Thus it’s useful to back out a failed update.

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When ever I have restored like that I just open a new account with the same details as the old one. Then restore. Never had an issue and done it a lot as I often setup a new VM to test things. It’s also useful to set up a new VM so you can get used to restoring backups.

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Ok, I will try.

Good to know!

I use duplicati for my backup. Backups are stored on another ssd. Its oke do its job. I like that you can set up backup monitor using e mail so you get regular reports on performed backups and see if everything went well or there is some issue with it.

The new account should have the same username of the old one?
What do you mean as local HA?

what do you mean “with the same details”?

Name and password

This is why it did’t work to me.
I used a different name.

No idea never even considered trying different names

I always just used the same account ID and password, too. I would hope the backup would include all the accounts you might have set up, and they’d be restored, but I only have the one so for me it doesn’t matter either way. By “local” I meant the account you set up in your local HA, not some cloud account.

Every time I have restored a backup it has included all the accounts. I have never had an issue restoring a backup. Over the years I have changed hardware 4 times, gone from stand alone HAOS to running in proxmox, setup VM’s on windows plenty of times to test things, and even after an SD card failure years ago ran HA on an old pc for a few days.

I followed your instructions.
I have creates a local HA with the same username and password of the original one.
I have loaded SAMBA add-ons and moved the backup there

I have restored the backup

Unfortunately, after 2 hour the backup has not been yet restored.

I don’t believe it would take so long. There is something wrong I’m not able to understand.
It is like the backup file generated by the Pi OS version is not compatible with the VM OS one.
Need your help