Reliable way to push info to tasker

Hi All,

I have made a dashboard on my phone using tasker and klwp where some of the sensor from HA are being displayed and updated, say, every 30 seconds when I am home and every 15 mins when I am not home. I have tried using Join component to push the info with the relevant states but it seems this app was not intended for this kind of purposes and it is not very reliable. Is there any component you could recommend which could reliably send information from HA to tasker?


Can’t tasker just ask for the information either via the websocket or REST API?

Thanks @nordlead2005, I somehow didn’t think about that. This however will not help me in case I want HA to reliably let tasker know that something has happened, for example someone unauthorised entered my apartment, in real time. @eddi89, I understand simplepush is reliable for you?

Yeah I know, I have already checked the app out in play store that’s why I asked. Will try it :slight_smile: Many thanks!

You could use Join or just setup an MQTT broker and have Tasker listen to that

Join not always delivers the message for some reason or does it with a delay. I will try with mqtt, but I guess I would need to use mosquitto as a broker to be able to use mqtt outside of home network (I am using duckdns)?

Hmm strange. You get that error with any Join message or just from HA? You may want to reach out to the AutoApps developer, he is super responsive and very helpful. And yes on MQTT, that’s the setup that I have and it works no problem

Yes, autoapps developer is great I use his apps all the time, had some problems and indeed he is super responsive. I will try with mosquitto then, many thanks.

You could use the tasker plug-in autoremote for real time events, and REST for updates at scheduled intervals.

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