Reload media player

Hi. I have a server LMS with 3 players (squezelite installed on 3 raspberry).
They works well in home assistant but I have this little problem:
I turn off the 3 players before go to sleep and re-power on in the morning or when i want to use them. The probelm: Home assistant not refresh It, i get “player unaviabile” After Power on the players. I Need to restart home assistant and they return aviable. Is there a way to reload without restart home assistant?
The config Is simple

  - platform: squeezebox

Host Is my server lms

Quick question: When you say that in the morning is showing as ‘player unavailable’ … did you restart HA while the player was disconnected?

or even without restarting you have this issue?

No, i never restart HA

ok, that’s interesting … I’m sorry, let’s see if someone else have some experience on this.

I do have the problem of restarting HA and not see the players until I restart again but this time with the players online …