Reminders and/or todo lists

I would like to see reminders and/or todo lists that can be updated remotely.

features needed are:
ability to link a reminder or list to a tracked device or automation.

add, remove, view remotely and in the local ui without having to edit the config yaml.

simple way to add a geofence to a reminder via remote access.

There’s a PR in process for adding Google Calendar support so when this is merged you can use that…

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I went the google calendar route and it seemed a bit annoying for the family to use specific syntax etc.

I think a simple list below with options for recurring would be great. Perhaps to only show up a week prior to the event?

Change HVAC Filter: June 1st, 2017
Change Fridge Water Filter: July 2nd, 2017
Cousin Mike’s Wedding: August 5th, 2017
Grass fertilizer: August 24th, 2017
Car Oil Change: September 9th, 2017

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