Remote Access - Can't login?

Hello all,

So I’ve got a HA and it’s working great. I wanted to be able to access it remotely for obvious reasons but I can’t seem to get it to work. Here’s how i have everything set up:

  • HomeAssistant runs as expected, on it’s normal ports
  • I use HAProxy (note this “High Availability” Proxy) to map HomeAssistant to port 80
  • I also run a NGrok server on the machine that maps a public IP to my localhost:8123

So here’s what I’ve found:

  • I can access HA from my local LAN by just visiting the IP address (login screen comes up, can login, etc.)
  • I can access HA from the NGrok IP as well (login screen comes up)
  • I can NOT login to HA from the NGrok IP (I enter my password, it never succeeds in establishing the proper websocket connection)

What gives? I don’t understand why from the NGrok IP I can get the login page, but I can’t login?


Could be the same issue as here:

I am not using nginx, and neither are a few others, but we are experiencing this same issue.

Hmm, maybe it’s related – however I just tried using it over a non-ssl connection and still experienced the same problem.

My guess is this is websocket issue.
Incorrect config for websocket support can cause this in nginx(i dont use ngrok and can’t confirm)

yes, in the ngrok logs a GET request is displayed to /api/websocket but there is no response which results in “loading data” screen in the frontend.

All other api functions work but i cant use the frontend :frowning:

Any fix for this? It would be nice to use ngrok

I have also hit the same issue using ngrok. Any workarounds so far ?
Meanwhile i also tried localtunnel and it works as expected, just that their public servers are not that stable…

I can access HA from Chrome, but can’t form Safari.:joy:

Please see this tópico

Try ./ngrok tcp 8123

Yes that’s the solution (tested). you can’t expect home assistant to work forwarding only http