Remote Access HA on VirtualBox

Hello community,

I am new into ha applications (so excuse my first post lol).

I have been running my ha on VirtualBox since my physical laptop is running Winodws 11.

For about a week now, I have been working on using duck dns and nginx add-ons to access my ha both locally and remotely.

I have used bridged network adapter on my VM (my physical laptop is connected to WiFi) and I can obtain a separate IP for my VM.

in my router’s settings I have used external port 8126 and passed it into the internal IP of my HA (not my VM) in addition to using an internal port of 8126. I have configured my duckdns and nginx addons accordingly.

When i test the url using the duckdns domain, i can use it to access the ha when connected to my local network, but the same url doesnt work when im connected to an external network.

I am thinking, maybe it has to do because I am running ha using VirtualBox. Maybe my router settings are wrong.

Please any advice would be useful. Let me know if you need any further information about my setup.

Many thanks,