I have set up a reverse proxy xxx.yyy.synology.me. HTTPS, port 443, and pointed it to localhost and port 8123.
What you mean by localhost? It should be HA instance IP address, not the NAS IP.
HA port 8123 is not https, so make sure it is https on external connection side, but http on internal host side.
So it should look like:
Also make sure to add websockets configuration to your proxy settings:
What is IP of your Synology NAS? Is it listed in trusted_proxies (is it What are 172.30.xx.yy IPs for? These are docker internal network and are not exposed to your LAN, so putting them there does not make sense for me (unless you have some specific configuration/need, that I do not understand).
So I had to change localhost to the actual IP of home assistant
I changed the internal from HTTPS to HTTP
and in the yaml config I had to change to my synology IPs
with those changes everything works remotely as well now!
I am new to Synology & HA, I believe the above solution will allow me to remote connect to HA which runs on a VM on my DS918+. Could you list out what other things I need to configure to get the above working? What does xxx.yyy.synology.me mean? Thanks