Remote Access (secure?)

I’ve had remote access set up for a while now using nginx/letsencrypt/duckdns and it works and functions perfectly but as a lot of people at the moment I am worried about security and want to know my system is safe

So my question is how does my current setup compare to a setup like this article:

What are the pros cons of each? Is a domain and using cloudflare DNS the best and most secure option?

I welcome all opinions…

Use a VPN.

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Most secure is VPN

Best is personal preference.

If you want non-VPN remote access, then that guide, in general, will give you the benefit of Cloudflare’s filtering, on top of anything you do too. It does put you at the mercy of their service though. If there’s any outage of their service, or there’s routing problems between you and them, then you lose access.

Throwing in a pitch for nabu casa. No open ports, and you support HA.