Remote Access to Hassio

Ok, so we know your duckdns address is resolving correctly, your port is open correctly and it looks just like an error with the SSL setup.

check your ssl folder, are there two files in there? fullchain and privkey?

CAn you post your current http: section in your configuration file?

You are specifying https correct? Chrome will default to it, not sure about other browsers. Confirm that https is being used when typing in the address.

Sorry for late reply!
Folder checked…the two files are there.

Below my http section on configuration.yaml:

Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.

base_url: https://***
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Yes, I’m using Chrome and always checking Https is typed correctly.
Thanks again for your help!!!

add the port to the base_url.
mine looks like this

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

nothing changes, unfortunately…

Are you trying from a computer on the same network?

Are the results any different using your phone when not on WiFI?

nope, always same results using different networks or tools.

I had success after removing https:// from base_url in configuration.yaml - maybe it’ll work for you as well.

nope, did not work.

Hi, after few attempts I was finally able to enable Remote Access in my HA (similar method as Cris shared at beginning: DuckDNS, port forwarding on router and changes in config file)

But when I enable it I’m not able to aces HA via local LAN IP,

  1. Is it like that when Remote Access enable- You can use only external IP
  2. Or i missed something and I should be able to access HA form both LAN and Eternal IPs and this is my mistake?

I run HA on HassIO, Rassp Pi 4 on

only from

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You can access it via LOCAL IP as well, but only via https, and you will get a certificate error.

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