Remote access to MQTT add-on


I am using Home Assistant Supervised on a Pi3B +.
I installed the MQTT add-on.

I have another Raspberry and would like to send data via MQTT to Home Assistant but … it doesn’t work.

1- Is the MQTT add-on a broker accessible from “outside”?
2- The IP address of my Home Assistant is, does the broker also have this address?
3- A solution?

Thank you

With renote access, do you mean remote in network outside your home network or outside of the machine running Home Assistant but in your home network?

  1. yes, it is. Otherwise no devices could connect it
  2. yes, but on 1883 port

Sorry for the confusion, I mean outside of the machine bu inside my network indeed.

So, it doesn’t work on my installation. I’ve an error (connection refused) when I try to publish a message

First, I’d check with a tool like MQTT Explorer on your desktop whether you can connect to the broker or not.
Second, when you try to publish a message, do you use username and password?

Maybe it’s the problem. I’ve to use a username and a password?

Ok, I use MQTT Explorer and it’s working with a username and a password.

Question : Is it possible to change the password? I’ve an auto-generated password and it’s very long.
PS : OpenZwave is working, I presume that if I change the password, I must re configure OpenZwave?

Thank you

Take a look here in the docs. It explains how to setup another user and use it with MQTT.

Maybe, don’t knok to be honest.