Remote Acess trough Ipv6 (behind Carrier Grade NAT)

Hello friends, I’m trying to set up on Rpi, but I’m facing problems with the remote acess.
I’ve installed the SSH and DuckDns addon’s, forwarded the ports, but cant acess the domain because I’m under ISP CGNAT.
Although the ISP provides IPV6 adress, I’m unable to find which is the current assigned IPV6 via SSH. (My Asus router shows only the Ipv4 Ip’s on Lan, no the IPV6 ones. It displays only the WAN and LAN Ipv6).

I believe you could use any of the following options:

Nabu Cassa.
VPN access.
Webhook Relay ( )
ZeroTeirOne addon ( )

Sounds like your router is only set up to use IPv4 locally.

Thanks for the reply!
Actually I can get on my notebook ipv4 and ipv6 adresses on windows ipconfig, smartphone, etc.
But can’t find the ipv6 inside (SSH).

I’m trying to install and configure NGROK add-on, as it seems to do tunneling and may bypass the CGNAT, but I’m struggling to make it running…

From the ssh addon try this:

ip addr show dev eno1 | sed -e’s/^.inet6 ([^ ])/.*$/\1/;t;d’ | grep -v ^f

(My adapter is eno1 yours may differ)

You want the IPv6 of the device… see my previous post.
FWIW, My ONLY has an IPv6 address updated at duckdns for my domain so it’s only accessible over IPv6

ip addr command shows my device as eth0, but the command you’ve provided returns:

sed: unmatched ‘/’


ip addr show dev eth0

=Results in:

core-ssh:~# ip addr show dev eth0
11: eth0@if12: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
link/ether 02:42:ac:1e:21:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0

I guess I’ll format the card and reinstall the whole thing again, now I can acess only via SSH, lost the webUI acess.
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

no IPv6 there… you can also try ip addr and it will show all adapters

Hey @DavidFW1960 I have been trying to get it remote access for HA set up using an AWS EC2 instance for port forwarding but didn’t have much luck.
Yesterday, I came through some of your posts regarding connecting IPv6 addresses to DuckDNS for
CGNAT-based ISP’s towards accessing HA remotely. Didn’t understand much how you did it, but I see that there might be a way for CGNAT-based isp to connect to HA remotely.
I would be thankful if you would share some resources/steps regarding that.

DuckDNS allows you to set an IPv6 address as well as IPv4. Is your IPv6 static? (Most/many are) If not static DuckDNS provide shell scripts to update the address. Then on your router you open the port on the device running Home Assistant. That’s pretty much all there is to it.
I actually use Caddy - a reverse proxy which handles all the certificates too.

@DavidFW1960 I do think my isp provides me with a static ipv6 address.
But I am not very familiar with networking so can you help with a detailed guide or maybe you could guide me to one. I have been sitting on getting HA remotely accessible for a while now but all the documentation and youtube videos I went through didn’t give a definite answer on how to set up with an ipv6 address.
Also thanks for the help.