I currently use GPS Logger and Bluetooth as device trackers and have tied them into my configuration to take action when I leave or arrive home. The biggest issue I run into is that I have a detached garage which is too far from the only reasonable location I can place my RPi with Home Assistant on it. As a result, my RPi does not pick up the Bluetooth signal from my phone so its very reliant on GPS Logger which can be delayed up to a minute. I have tried OwnTracks and Zanzito, but they are not really any quicker and consume a lot more battery.
I do have wifi in the garage from an extender and have tried using nmap and the AsusWRT module, but I have also had some issues where I was never triggered as not_home so automatons did not fire.
Bluetooth works well and its fast (when I’m in range), so I’m wondering if there is a way to use another RPi, connected to wifi in my garage, that would act only as a Home Assistant Bluetooth device tracker module. I have looked at Happy Bubbles but it looks like you have to buy new trackers or install more apps on my phone to act as a beacon. I’m not a big fan of buying a tracker for my car as it seems like a key to my house in some aspects. Getting everyone to carry another beacon would be difficult.
So, is what I’m asking possible? A remote RPi that picks up Bluetooth signals from phone like the Home Assistant Bluetooth tracker module, then reports to the main Home Assistant server and triggers me as home.
Yep, it’s possible, if you mean BLE (a.k.a. Bluetooth Low Energy).
This is what you need:
As an added bonus it doesn’t stall your RPi which the default HASS Bluetooth device tracker does.
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Good find. Got it setup and reporting, but it seems like every few scan cycles my phone is not found and marked as away. Not sure what’s going on there. I haven’t moved.
Maybe I’ll set the timeout to a few minutes or something. I really want a quick response when I get home, but when I leave its not a big deal.
Getting some very inconsistent results with this. Really want it to work though.
With my phone screen off and sitting about 15 feet from both RPis (have a second one near my Hass Rpi for testing), Hass says I’m home and doesnt change unless I turn BT off on my phone. The BLE tracker from what you posted finds my phone, but only when I have my BT config screen open on my phone (actively searching for devices). If I leave that screen and/or turn off my screen, I am away as soon as the timeout hits.
Using a Pixel XL.
I’m using happy-bubbles. Works reliably.
Check BHRU tutorial.
You need the bubble and BLE. No need to keep any software on your mobile.
Can you clarify which BT and BLE trackers are you referring to? The ones that come with HASS or this remote sensing software?
I think your phone is discoverable only when the Bluetooth screen is on, at least this is how it works with iPhones. Perhaps pairing the phone with the Pi can improve this.
I personally use a NUT tracker for BLE presence detection and Xiaomi fitness bands, phones are problematic for tracking via BLE because these days they spoof their Mac addresses for user privacy.
The BT tracker with Hass works great. No issues, very reliable. Range is my issue. Most of the problem responses are related to the BLE python addon suggested in the 2nd post. External to Hass on a different RPi.