Remote.broadlink_devce_remote entity is turned off


Device Broadlink mini
I am following this video

Previously, I was able to learn and receive command without any issue

Now I  am getting this error
Info remote.learn_command canceled: remote.broadlink_devce_remote entity is turned off

Please help

Shahzad Godil

I would suggest go to Developer Tools then States, look up the remote and check if it is on. You can turn it on from there too.

Also there might be a spelling error in the devce name?


My device was turned off. I turned it on from the development tool and now it is now working

Thanks for your great help.

Shahzad Godil

Careful not to use the service remote.turn_off in automations and scripts (easy to do) when you really mean remote.send “turn off”.

Thanks for great tip