Remote Control card and mosquitto

Hallo, i want to send in ir signal on a device with a mosquitto command.

The setting:
HA with generic-remote-control → Raspberry Pi Zero(Node Red and mqtt) with ir diode.

How can I execute the following command by pressing the power button?
mosquitto_pub -t remote/tv -m "KEY_POWER" -h

The following results in an error:

    call: remote.send_command
      entity_id: remote.living_room_remote
      command: mosquitto_pub -t remote/tv -m "KEY_POWER" -h

Failed to call service remote/send_command. Service not found.


Do you have a link to this third party card’s documentation?

You need to use the mqtt.publish service rather than the remote.send_command service. Either in the card if it supports it, or via a script call.

Here the documentation:

Could you tell me how to make the script call?

No, not using that card. It seems it can only use the remote service.

Okay, thanck you.

Have you ever figured this out? Trying to make the same