Remote control rs485 rtu wired wi fi for heat pump

Good morning, I have installed a Ferroli Omnia 3.2 heat pump, in turn equipped with a wired remote control with RS485 btu connection, and wi-fi connected to the router, reachable via app presumably on a remote cloud. I wanted to read the registers of the machine through HA, as there is no integration for my case, reflection of pecking through the IP address assigned to it by the router with its dedicated port 502 for modbus the various readings, but I tried these 2 lines of

modbus code : name: hub1
type: tpc host:
port: 502
sensor_rails: name: “ferr 1”
address: 40001
scan_interval: 20 slave: 1

sensors: name: "Ferr 2
" unit_of_measurement: hz
scale: 0.1 slave: 0
accuracy: 2
input_type: input address: 40102
scan_interval: 30

but without getting results. Perhaps someone has already carried out this test or can give me some advice. Thank you

you solved ??

Hi , yes yes solved , although I had to implement with node red the reading of the registers , in HA I have some problem when I follow the guide for the modbus , it fails to create the entity . Now I’ve finished the slave part programmed in arduino, and then connect everything to the raspberry and join everything


Hi Minixium, do you have a list of the registers of the Omnia 3.2? I am trying to connect also from HA, or Homey, to the Ferroli via Modbus, but I can’t find any info regarding the protocol or registers that they are using.

If you have any info you like to share it would be great, thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

also I have an Omnia Ferroli with Modbus.
On manual of wired remote control I’ve found a lot of modbus address, I can post later, hope to help someone to connect this HVAC to homeassistant

Hi, antonioste,
I’d be interested in the addresses you’ve found and where exactly have you found them.