Remote home assistant and scheduler component

Hi all, I am using the Remote Home Assistant custom component (GitHub - custom-components/remote_homeassistant: Links multiple home-assistant instances together) to connect three local home assistant instances together into a single “master” instance that a single integrated dashboard and alerts run off of (as well as automations if we lose connectivity to a local instance).

I am also using the custom scheduler (GitHub - nielsfaber/scheduler-component: Custom component for HA that enables the creation of scheduler entities) to run schedules at local instances of HA.

Given the architecture of the custom scheduler, I do not think at present I can manage schedules centrally. This requires a decoupling of the management of schedules at the “master” instance and a running of schedules at the local instances.

My understanding of it’s architecture is that the custom scheduler card calls web socket calls (via hass.callWS and hass.callAPI calls) to communicate with the custom scheduler integration. The custom scheduler integration both runs the schedules as well as manages the front-end API calls.

I think this means the card has to run on the same instances as the scheduler integration for its back-end, and that integration will run the schedules on the same instance. So I do not think there’s a way to have the card on a separate remote instance from where the schedules run.

I have every other thing I need so far working across the remote connection, and it’s really good - very solid and reliable and seamless.

  1. I hope perhaps I’m wrong and there is a way to run the scheduler card on an instance separate from where the schedules run across Remote Home Assistant (and ability to have different schedule cards control schedules on different local instances across Remote Home Assistant connections). I suspect this is not the case, but please let me know if it’s possible!

  2. Otherwise, is there the ability to either proxy or intercept/redirect websocket calls from the frontend for a component to a remote home assistant instance?

  3. Or is there a way to have the scheduler component card somehow have a config option to direct it’s webservice calls to a remote instance of home assistant where the integration is running (which would also allow multiple schedule cards on the “master” instance to be instantiated for multiple remote home assistant connections).
