Remote home assistant camera integration

Hi All,

I have a remote home assistant at my company location. Here I have a 3D printer and a camera pointed at that 3D printer. That camera is configured as a generic RTSP camera in the home assistant at the remote location.
However I’d like to include this camera inside my home assistant at home.
I think this might be possible using REST API & a long lived token but I’m not sure how exactly to do t his for cameras.

I have already tested this with a simple sensor but a camera seems more complicated

  - platform: rest
    resource: https://HOMEASSISTANTURL:8123/api/states/sensor.processor_use
    name: Remote HA Processor
    method: GET   
      Authorization: Bearer TOKENTOKENTOKEN
      content-type: 'application/json'
    value_template: '{{ value_json.state }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "%"

Has anyone tried this before?
Thanks in advance!

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Did you manage to get that work? I have setup of 2 HA’s; one in “main” and one in “remote”. I am using Remote Home Assistant.

On remote, I have cameras integrated and locally they are visible. On main, I can see camera entities prefixed etc. nicely, but no image from remote. All the other entities work as fine.

Curious…had you similar issues?

Ever resolve this?

Has anyone able to solve it?
Please, let me know how.
Thank you in advance.

Hi, not really… The closest I got back then was creating a script that pulled one image off the camera instance of the other HA using bash and calling that script with ha shell command. This created a jpeg which I could display in HA. I made an automation calling that shell command every second… Making ideally a one fps camera but it was more like a 0.2 fps Camara :joy:… So long story short… No :sweat_smile:.
Maybe since then something has been added to accommodate our crazy needs

Maybe it’s worth to consider a VPN between both locations.
Since it’s a office/company you might also gain other advantages from it.

Valid point… !