Remote_homeassistant and RV

I have an RV in which I want to setup a Homeassistant to messure stuff and other things.

But I want to connect it to my home installation and are looking to the remote_homeassistant component. But it seems like the hoe installation connects to the remote installation and not the other way around. And as the remote installation is moving and connects to internet by 4G mobile network it seems nearly imposible for me to do it that way.
So how could I make the connection the other way ?

Or how could I connects the to homeassistants so I can get entitie from RV into my home installation ?

Anyone ?

I bet my component will fulfil your needs.
Going through MQTT mitigate the issue of not having constant connection…

Install it in your RV instance.

I had a look at it, but cant figure out how to confugure it. Should it be installed on the master (home) or the slave (RV) ?

As I said:

On your master, configure MQTT with the same topic, with discovery enabled.