Remote Instance of HA and secure z-wave lock: No service found on Master HA

I have two instances of HA in Docker, one on a Pi4 which is a remote instance (host) that I have a Sigma UZB Z-wave/ZHA device plugged in that controls all of my Z-wave and ZHA devices. I have successfully paired and can control my Schlage Lock via secure Z-wave from the front end of the host Pi4. My other instance of HA is running on a ReadyNAS in my basement, this is the client or master instance. (I could never get the ReadyNAS to recognize the UZB stick and I doubt that the ZHA signals would reach all of the devices from the basement. This is why I use a remote instance of HA). I am using the HACS plugin “Remote Home-Assistant”. I can control everything on the Pi4 from the ReadyNAS HA instance: all the Z-wave and ZHA devices except the secure Z-wave Schlage lock. When I try to lock or unlock the lock on the ReadyNAS instance I receive a pop-up error message: “Failed to call service lock/unlock. Service not found”. I suspect it is because the lock is on a secure Z-wave node. Any ideas what I have to do to get this to work on my main instance of HA?

This question is probably not active anymore, but I just ran into the same issue. The solution for me was to chose “Configure” for the Integration “Remote homeassistant”. Then, to tick the box to load the “lock” component (if not loaded).