I have been at this for hours. I used to be able to login to my HA remotley just fine. I use nabu casa for cloud connection. not sure if this has anythng to do with my issues, but my debit card was recently compromised and i had a failed payment to nabu. got a new card, fixed the payment method. HA says im connected to the cloud and isn’t showing any errors in the logs. when i try to login from outside the local network i get invalid username and password errors. i tried adding another user, again, i can login locally but not with the remote link from nabu casa.
I followed this post Password is correct but UI saying Invalid login or Password trying the various things with no luck. when i go into the auth_provider my usernames are exactly what i am trying (and they work locally), the passwords look like they’re encoded or something, is this normal? I copied the file and tried changing the password to something not encrypted/encoded and still can’t login. (switched the file back to original form after login attempt with changed password.
I have checked that the users are able to login and have remote access in the users panel. I dont know what else to try.
This is wicked frustrating. If anyone has any ideas or knows how to solve this problem your help would be much appreciated.
I had this error. Impossible to get my main admin account to work. in the end I created a second account called “fred” with a 4 digit password and gave it admin access and it worked… go figure. Hope this helps.