I was reading a lot and find a lot over the bridge but i end up with a switch in homeassistant that switch on the remote but do nothing.
I want to let it work on my tasmota touch switch in the wall what is already working good.
So the system is running and what i now want is to switch the light also with the rf 433mhz remote.
Because i am not an expert with homeassistant i have no idea what to do.
i tryed already with 2 cmd lines for a switch but that end up with a error or the light is not swithing at all anymore.
Who knows the right configuration.
Ok. you want to use the bridge to bridge (duh) between your remote and the touch?
What remote do you have?
Btw, there’s a Sonoff T1 that has native RF.
I have one sonoff tf bridge.
In every room i have the normal sonoff touch in the wall and also the switch for the normal lights.
Also i have a rooted toon connected to homeassistand.
Now i bought the bridge because of my next problem.
I have in my hall up and downstairs a lightswitch (hotel connection)
This means down light on and up again off and reverse.
For downstairs i have the same touch switch but up in the hall i cannot plase this.
There is a power connector together with a small lightswitch in the wall.
This is one piece.
So i need to do something different with that.
No my thinking was before i go and change everything i want to see and learn about this thing.
So i bought a simple 2 remote button control rf 433 mhz.
I try to switch 1 of the already excisting light on and of with this remote.
Ofcourse the touch needs to be working also.
The only thing i can make working a new lightswitch in homeassistant what reacts on the remote button but for the rest it does nothing.
As soon i go and change something in the setting in the switch.yaml for 1 of the lights this is not working anymore.
My only question is if somebody can help me to make this working and i learn from it.
After that i will go and see i i can make the light in the hall working and then i can start to think of more functions for the bridge.
If i understand you well, you are very close tho a possible solution.
I would start with this:
- a binary sensor fot the remote
- a light for the touch
an automation that turns the touch on on button press 1
an automation that turns the touch off on button press 2
binary_sensor: - platform: mqtt name: schuurdeur payload_on: "F62A0A" #check the button press 1 code in your bridge console payload_off: "F62A0E" #check the button press 2 code in your bridge console state_topic: "tele/sonoff/RESULT" value_template: '{{ value_json.RfReceived.Data }}' #check data structure of mqtt message device_class: light optimistic: false qos: 1 retain: false
Ok i have the binary sensor in configuration and in automation i made also something.
But in automation it shows on the dashboard now 2 switchen with on and of.
That is not the idea. (also not working )
Ho do i connect the binary sensor in automation to the light switch and react on the rf bridge on the data from the button
Can you show me your configs and the logs from the bridge console and the dashboard after button presses?
This is from the bridge.
It is a 2 remote button control.
I learned it to the bridge already
00:00:33 MQT: tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT = {“RfReceived”:{“Sync”:9960,“Low”:360,“High”:1030,“Data”:“8AC831”,“RfKey”:1}}
00:00:34 MQT: tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT = {“RfReceived”:{“Sync”:9960,“Low”:370,“High”:1020,“Data”:“8AC832”,“RfKey”:2}}
On the dashboard i have only the normal switches now becuase i deleted everything what had to do with the bridge.
Gere the binary sensor.
This i have in swithes.yaml
ut i had it also already in the configuration.yaml
< binary_sensor:
- platform: mqtt
name: sonoffeettafel
payload_on: “8AC831” #check the button press 1 code in your bridge console
payload_off: “8AC832” #check the button press 2 code in your bridge console
state_topic: “tele/sonoffbridge/RESULT”
value_template: ‘{{ value_json.RfReceived.Data }}’ #check data structure of mqtt message
device_class: light
optimistic: false
qos: 1
retain: false>
I hope there is still somebody here who can tell me exactly how i should do this and where to put the yaml.
With automation i don’t know if i have to choose mqt ore something.