Remote RS232 interface for controlling a projector - based on arduino?

Hey, I want to control my projector. I could obviously just use a Boradlink RM mini or so to use the IR interface. But that way has some drawbacks as I need a good positioning, which also means a visible positioning of the transmitter.

Therefore I had a look at the back and found a RS232 interface, which can be used at least for turning on and off (maybe even more, but that would be everything I’m looking for at the beginning). Now I just need a connection from my HASS to that serial port. I was wondering if an arduino could the best solution? Do you know any similarly cheap and maybe easier all-in-one solution for a remote serial box?

If arduino was the best way; what would I need? Would it be anough to just add something like this?

As you might have recognized I am not familiar with Arduino so far; though I’m quite comfortable with running HASS on docker ony an Ubuntu based server. I also have an odroid running, but both are based in the basement, far away from the projector.

any help appreciated!

Is that a fact (you tried it) or an assumption?
Like visible light, IR “echoes” on obstacles, so clear LOS might not be actually necessary with powerful, multi directional, emitters like a broadlink.

Actually it is a guess, right. I even already ordered a RM mini, so I’ll give it a shot. I came to the RS232 alternative, beause I just like tinkering with new stuff which consumes heaps of hours :smiley: